Ehlanzeni Tvet college

Ehlanzeni Tvet College

Ehlanzeni TVET College is a South African public college located in Mpumalanga province. The college has seven campuses located in different areas; Barberton, Kanyamazane, Mapulaneng, Mashishing, Mlumati, Mthimba, and Mbombela campus. Semester courses Online Application Student portal Coastal Tvet college

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Coastal KZN Tvet COllege

Coastal KZN Tvet College

The Coastal KZN Tvet College is one of the largest public college in Kwa-Zulu Natal province. The college has 8 campuses across their region. Coastal KZN Tvet College Campuses: Second-semester courses: Required documents: Placements test– Please remember that doing this screening is compulsory However, you still have the right to choose your own course based…

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Vhembe Tvet College

Vhembe Tvet College

Vhembe Tvet College is a public college situated in Limpopo province. The college has seven campuses. Campuses: Semester courses: You should complete these steps to successfully submit your application at Vhembe Tvet College: SoL Plaatje University

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Tshwane South College

Tshwane South College

Tshwane South Tvet College is a South African public college located in Gauteng province with 4 campus and one located in North-West province. The following courses are now open for the second semester at Tshwane South College: Campuses You are required to complete the Placement screening before they start with the application process, the none…

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