The Cape Peninsula University of Technology was established in January 2005 when Cape Technikon and Peninsula Technikon came together to form one university. The merger was to transform the higher education landscape in South Africa. The University is situated in the Western Cape province and it has 5 campuses which are located across the Cape Peninsula.

CPUT campuses:
- Bellville campus
- District Six campus
- Granger Bay campus
- Mowbray campus
- Wellington campus
CPUT Faculties:
- Applied Sciences
- Business and Management
- Engineering and the Built Environment
- Education
- Health and Wellness Sciences
- Informatics and Design
- Download/View the Cape Peninsula University of Technology 2024 prospectus. It is the responsibility of a student to ensure that they meet the requirements for the course they applying for. Applications that do not meet the university requirements, they will not be considered.
Online Application
- Prospective students who wish to enroll for undergraduate and post-graduate qualifications should apply for admission during the application period. Applications received after the closing date will not be processed. The online application is FREE and manual applications should be accompanied by the application fee of R100, see the banking details on the official website. The Cape Peninsula University of Technology offers Full-time, part-time, and short courses with limited space.
Required documents
- Certified copy of your Identity document.
- Certified copy of Grade12 results or equivalent qualification or Grade 11 final results if you are currently in grade 12.
- Certified copy of Academic record or previous qualification.
- Proof of application fee (online application is free)
- Log in on the student portal
- Click the menu button (Three horizontal lines)
- Click on Returning students application
- Accept the POPI Act
- Click on Returning students application
- Scroll down and show under Academic Application row
- Click on Add New Academic Application
How to Upload documents
- Go to student ienabler
- Log in with you student number and pin
- Click the menu button
- Click on Returning students application
- Accept POPI Act
- Click on Returning students application
- Scroll down and show under Upload documents row
- Click on Upload documents
Forgot student number use this link to retrieve your lost student number and make sure to fill in the required fields.
Prospective student who have submitted their application, can track their application status by clicking here